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The Treasury (

The Treasury is New Zealand's lead advisor to the Government on economic and financial policy. 

Who: The Treasury - Kaitohutohu Kaupapa Rawa

What: Public sector website - built on a bespoke version of Sector D7 Govt Kit for CSS IT and launched in April 2018


The site features:

  • Custom publication search allowing filtering by type, author, date, and more
  • Redesigned content structure, navigation and menus
  • Taxonomy-driven dynamic content displays
  • Complete visual redesign, including mobile and tablet responsive design
  • Powerful backend content authoring and management tools
  • Administrator tools to bulk update content
  • Findable events with interactive location maps
  • Flexible and powerful search engine to provide users a better search experience 
  • And much more.   


We transformed 35,000 static HTML pages into 6500 publications using advanced migration scripts, and assigning metadata from existing URLs and content markup. Lookup CSVs were used to populate content with more detailed metadata for an improved search.

The new site allows bulk importing of content created by the Treasury's web publishing team - this is especially important when there are hundreds of pages for milestones like the Annual Budget and the Budget Economic and Fiscal Update.


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