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Updates and releases

Get updates on the Sector 9.5.x to 10.x upgrade path. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter and to stay connected on Twitter, the Sector channel on and on

Browse through updates and release notes below.

  • 10.0.0-rc4, fixes in preparation for the 10.0.0 release

    Release notes

    10.0.0-rc4 includes Drupal core 10.2.7.

    Sector 10 is currently under a feature freeze allowing us to conduct Q&A before our first full release. See more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023.

  • 10.0.0-rc3, fixes in preparation for the 10.0.0 release

    Release notes

    10.0.0-rc3 includes Drupal core 10.2.7.

    Sector 10 is currently under a feature freeze allowing us to conduct Q&A before our first full release. See more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023.

  • 10.0.0-rc2, fixes in preparation for the 10.0.0 release

    Release notes

    10.0.0-rc2 includes Drupal core 10.2.6 and a patch to resolve CKEditor5's Manually editable HTML tags.

  • 10.0.0-rc1, fixes in preparation for the 10.0.0 release

    Release notes

    10.0.0-rc1 includes minor fixes for the sample content, content types and view modes, media types and view modes, searches and views, and the demo theme in preparation of our first full Sector 10 release! 

  • 10.0.0-alpha12, Sector table of content and minor updates

    Release notes

    10.0.0-alpha12 includes our new automated table of contents and updates to the Sector display options.

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023.

  • 10.0.0-alpha11, Updates to the Sector display settings

    Release notes

    10.0.0-alpha11 includes new display settings for child page listing and minor fixes. 

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023.

  • 10.0.0-alpha10, More Minor Fixes and Updates

    Release notes

    10.0.0-alpha10 includes minor fixes and updates to the CK5 editor. 

    Release status: released!

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023.

  • 10.0.0-alpha9, Minor Fixes and Updates

    Release notes

    10.0.0-alpha9 includes minor fixes and we are adding some much loved Sector 9 features back in. 

    Release status: Released!

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023.

  • 10.0.0-alpha8, More Minor Fixes and Updates

    Release notes

    10.0.0-alpha8 includes more minor fixes. 

    Release status: Tested!

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023.

  • 10.0.0-alpha7, Minor Fixes and Updates

    Release notes

    10.0.0-alpha7 includes minor fixes for the CK5 editor and content editor permissions.

    Release status: Released!

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023.

  • 10.0.0-alpha6, More Fixes and Updates

    Release notes

    10.0.0-alpha6 includes minor fixes for the theme namespace change, updates to the Sector Notice banner, and small improvements for the 'view draft' node views! 

  • 10.0.0-alpha5 Fixes and Updates

    Release notes

    10.0.0-alpha5 includes minor fixes for the theme namespace and preconfigured user profiles.

    Release status: Released!

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023

  • 10.0.0-alpha4 Fixes and Updates

    Release notes

    10.0.0-alpha4 includes fixes for pagination of Ajax views and update for a permission name change.

    Release status: Released!

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023

  • 10.0.0-alpha3 Fixes and Updates

    Release notes

    10.0.0-alpha3 includes fixes for workflow status defaults per content type and fixes for excluding content from search.

    Release status: Released!

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023

  • 10.0.0-alpha2 Fixes and Updates

    Release notes

    10.0.0-alpha2 includes a few overdue fixes for workflow and media management.

    Release status: Released!

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023

  • 10.0.0-alpha1 Alpha release

    Release notes

    The first Sector 10 Alpha—10.0.0-alpha1—release is out! We are a bit behind our initial timeline but we are getting there. 

    Release status: Released

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023

  • Updates on moving from CKEditor 4 to 5

    Sector 9.x to 10 Upgrade Path

    For content- and information-heavy sites that use advanced editorial WYSIWYG features, the move from CKEditor 4 to 5 can be a challenge.  

  • Bridging the gap between Sector 9 and 10

    Sector 9.x to 10 Upgrade Path

    The upgrade to Sector 10 will require some manual clean-up tasks so we started an Issue on explaining the process—Bridging the gap between Sector 9 and 10.

  • Drupal core - Critical - Cache poisoning - SA-CORE-2023-006

    Security Updates

    The security update to address SA-CORE-2023-006 will be included in Sector 9.5.8.

  • 9.5.8 Security release plus module updates to 10.x compatible versions

    Sector 9.x to 10 Upgrade Path

    9.5.8 includes more updates to prepare the 9.5.x. to 10.x upgrade path and a security update.

    Release status: Released

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023

  • 9.5.7 Fixes and updates to prepare the upgrade path and reduce technical debt

    Sector 9.x to 10 Upgrade Path

    9.5.7 includes a few overdue fixes and updates to reduce technical debt before sites are moved to 10.x. 

    Release status: Released!

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023

  • Sector 9.5.6 - More updates to prepare for the upgrade path

    Sector 9.x to 10 Upgrade Path

    9.5.6 includes more module updates required for the Sector 10 upgrade process!

    Release status: Released!

    Find out more on our Sector 10 Release Pipeline for 2023

  • Sector 9.5.5 is out with minor updates on our Sector 9 to 10 roadmap

    Sector 9.x to 10 Upgrade Path

    Following our Sector 10 Roadmap, we plan to releases regular updates on the 9.5.x branch to smooth out the upgrade process. 

  • News and Updates for the Sector 9 to Sector 10 upgrade path

    Sector updates

    Work is underway on Sector 10 and the Sector 9.5.x to Sector 10 upgrade path. 

    Learn more on ...

  • The latest Sector update - 9.2.7

    Release notes

    We've been a little quiet recently, but fear not - behind the scenes we're still working away at Sector and making sure it's up to date with the latest security updates and bug fixes.

  • Announcing Sector 9.2.0, with some notable changes

    Release notes

    With Sector 9.2.0, we have included some significant changes worthy of a major point release. Read on for the breaking changes that may be relevant to your Sector website.

  • Sector 9.1.5 is here

    Release notes

    The latest Sector 9 release is here - and with 9.1.5 there are some breaking changes that you'll need to keep an eye out for.

  • Sector 9.1.0 is out - learn how to update from 5.x to 9.1.0

    Release notes

    No, your eyes don't deceive you - Sector 9 is here! Along with the standard release notes, we've put together some guidance for how to update your site to Sector 9.1.0.

  • Sector D8 is officially in production!

    Release notes

    We are excited to announce the first stable, production-ready release of Sector D8!

  • Sector 5.0.0-rc3 is out!

    Release notes

    5.0.0-rc3 is the latest step in our roadmap to a full point release! With this release we introduce further changes and improvements to the media management. 

  • Sector 5.0.0-rc2 is out!

    Release notes

    5.0.0-rc2 includes the latest security updates for Drupal 8.9.x.

  • Sector 8.x-4.0-rc4 is out!

    Release notes

    8.x-4.0-rc4 includes the latest security updates for Drupal 8.8.x.

Sector 10 is coming!

Find out more in our Sector 10 roadmap.

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Open Source award winner!

Sparks Interactive are delighted to accept the Open Source Use in Business award for Sector and the open source platform.

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