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Release notes

Sector 9.1.0 is out - learn how to update from 5.x to 9.1.0

Issue date:

No, your eyes don't deceive you - Sector 9 is here! Along with the standard release notes, we've put together some guidance for how to update your site to Sector 9.1.0.

Why Sector 9?

We felt it was more consistent to keep Sector's major version in line with Drupal. Rather than having Sector 6 include Drupal 9, it made the most sense to stay in line with Drupal's major release number.

Changes made to Sector

Sector 9.1.0 release notes

Upgrading to 9.1.0

Upgrading Sector to 9.1.x is best done in 3 steps - dev, production and post-deploy.


On your dev or local version of your site, make the changes to the composer files to update to Sector 9.

In your composer.json file, make the following changes:

  • Update Sector to 9.1.0
  • Update drupal/core-composer-scaffold to ^9.0
  • Update drupal/core-recommended to ^9.0

To trial the update, run

composer update -W --dry-run

At this point you may get errors with the updates. This will be related to your site's modules and themes that have not been provided by Sector. See the Drupal guide for fixes for errors related to upgrading to Drupal 9 (Sector-specific blog post coming soon).

When composer is resolving correctly and there are no errors, remove the --dry-run flag and run the command again to perform the actual updates.

composer update -W

As part of the Sector 9 release process we took the opportunity to remove the obsolete Better Formats module and replace it with the better maintained Allowed Formats. As part of the Database updates, Better Formats still needs to exist in the code base so it can be properly uninstalled and replaced.

composer require drupal/better_formats

After that, we are finally ready to run the database updates.

drush updatedb && drush cr

At this point, you're now on Sector 9! Review and test your site, and commit all composer and module changes when tests pass. Now you're ready to go to production.


Run all of your backup processes before continuing - we recommend putting your site into maintenance mode.

Deploy your code to the production environment and run composer install with your usual process. When your code is all live, run the database updates.

drush updatedb && drush cr

Review the site and run post-deploy checks while in maintenance mode. When you're happy, remove it from maintenance mode and the updates are complete!


There is one small task that we recommend you run after deploying. As part of the database updates that have now been run on production, the Better Formats module will have been uninstalled. On your dev site, you should remove Better Formats and commit the changes.

composer remove drupal/better_formats

Sector 10 is coming!

Find out more in our Sector 10 roadmap.

Need Help?

Sector is brought to you by Sparks Interactive - supporting Sector from Wellington and Auckland

Open Source award winner!

Sparks Interactive are delighted to accept the Open Source Use in Business award for Sector and the open source platform.

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