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Understanding Sector cans and can'ts

Sector does a lot of things, but not everything and not everything out of the box. This collection provides answers to the common 'why?'s.

User roles:
Content Editor,
Content Administrator,
Drupal Sitebuilder
  • Managing user accounts - who and why

    The Sector Starter Kit includes preconfigured user roles, user profiles, and permissions - out of the box, the ability to create, add, edit, or delete users is only available to the Drupal sitebuilder role.

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  • Understanding user permissions - or why can't I ...

    If you find that you can’t edit something on your site - perhaps a menu, block, or specific content type - your user profile likely doesn’t have the required role to allow you to do this task.

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  • Adding, editing, and deleting user accounts

    There are right and wrong ways of managing users on your website - this guide explains how to add, edit, and remove user accounts.

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