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User roles and permissions

Sector text format configuration

Drupal Sitebuilder
Drupal text formats provide additional security and filters for your text content. The Sector text format configuration adjusts the existing text formats and adds additional formats to cater for common use cases.
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Preconfigured user roles, user profiles and permissions

Drupal Sitebuilder
The Drupal permissions and user roles management governs user access to both sitebuilding and editorial tasks. The Sector Starter Kit includes preconfigured user roles, users, and permissions that can be used as-is or easily adjusted to support your specific workflow. 
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Logging in to your user account

Editor guides
Content Editor Content Administrator Drupal Sitebuilder
To get started, you need a user account on the website. A Support Agent user can create an account for you.
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I can't log into my user account

Content Editor Content Administrator Blog Editor
If you are having issues logging in to your user account, try these troubleshooting solutions.
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Understanding user permissions - or why can't I ...

Editor guides
Content Editor Content Administrator Drupal Sitebuilder

If you find that you can’t edit something on your site - perhaps a menu, block, or specific content type - your user profile likely doesn’t have the required role to allow you to do this task.

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Managing user accounts - who and why

Content Editor Content Administrator Drupal Sitebuilder

The Sector Starter Kit includes preconfigured user roles, user profiles, and permissions - out of the box, the ability to create, add, edit, or delete users is only available to the Drupal sitebuilder role.

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Adding, editing, and deleting user accounts

Drupal Sitebuilder Site Administrators (UID1)

There are right and wrong ways of managing users on your website - this guide explains how to add, edit, and remove user accounts.

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Find out more in our Sector 10 roadmap.

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