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Sector text format configuration

Drupal Sitebuilder
Drupal text formats provide additional security and filters for your text content. The Sector text format configuration adjusts the existing text formats and adds additional formats to cater for common use cases.
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Drupal modules included in Sector

Drupal Sitebuilder

The Sector distribution includes the latest stable Drupal core, a selection of Drupal custom modules and tailored custom modules by Sparks Interactive. 

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Differences between Sector D7 and Sector D8

Drupal Sitebuilder
The differences between Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 are significant and have major dependencies on Sector D8. 
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Installing Sector

Site Administrators (UID1)
Installing Sector is as easy as installing Drupal. In this guide, we explain a couple of methods for creating a Sector site.
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Sector Media file types and configuration (Sector D8)

Drupal Sitebuilder

Sector Media aims to minimise the number of Media contribution modules and to rely on Drupal core Media features as far as this is possible based on the progress of the Drupal Media in core initiative. 

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Sector Promotion content type (Sector 9)

Drupal Sitebuilder

Sector Promotion offers a flexible content type to create and place ad-style promotions throughout your site. Promotions can link to both internal and external content.

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Sector Search API and Search Facets configuration

Drupal Sitebuilder

The Search API module together with the Facets module allows sitebuilders to create and manage faceted search interfaces.

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Preconfigured user roles, user profiles and permissions

Drupal Sitebuilder
The Drupal permissions and user roles management governs user access to both sitebuilding and editorial tasks. The Sector Starter Kit includes preconfigured user roles, users, and permissions that can be used as-is or easily adjusted to support your specific workflow. 
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I can't log into my user account

Content Editor Content Administrator Blog Editor
If you are having issues logging in to your user account, try these troubleshooting solutions.
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Public vs. private file systems

Site Administrators (UID1)

The file field upload destination in Sector is set to the public file system. This is good enough for most (but not all) sites.

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The anatomy of a Sector add-on

Drupal Sitebuilder

Each element in the Sector Ecosystem follows the same principle - once installed, your editorial team is ready to go. To make this happen, each Sector add-on comes with a set of tools. Some are as you would expect, while some go further.

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When your users don't receive emails

Drupal Sitebuilder Site Administrators (UID1)

If you or your users do not receive email notifications sent from your website, a likely scenario is that the webserver is not authorised to send emails on behalf of your domain.

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Managing user accounts - who and why

Content Editor Content Administrator Drupal Sitebuilder

The Sector Starter Kit includes preconfigured user roles, user profiles, and permissions - out of the box, the ability to create, add, edit, or delete users is only available to the Drupal sitebuilder role.

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Updating a Sector site

Site Administrators (UID1)
Updating a Sector site is easy. Sector releases funnel through a strict and thorough test process to ensure the best possible compatibility against Drupal core and contributed modules.
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Sector 10 is coming!

Find out more in our Sector 10 roadmap.

Need Help?

Sector is brought to you by Sparks Interactive - supporting Sector from Wellington and Auckland

Open Source award winner!

Sparks Interactive are delighted to accept the Open Source Use in Business award for Sector and the open source platform.

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